Foto av Torsten Åkesson

Torsten Åkesson


Konferenspaper i proceeding


  • 2019

    ATLAS Collaboration

    Aaboud, M., Åkesson, T., Bocchetta, S., Corrigan, E., Doglioni, C., Gregersen, K., Brottmann Hansen, E., Hedberg, V., Jarlskog, G., Kalderon, C., Kellermann, E., Konya, B., Lytken, E., Mankinen, K., Mjörnmark, U., Pöttgen, R., Poulsen, T., Smirnova, O., Zwalinski, L. & ATLAS Collaboration, 2019, XXVIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus–Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2018). Elsevier, Vol. 982. s. 985-1009 25 s. (Nuclear Physics A).

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • 2005

    Aging effects in the ATLAS transition radiation tracker and gas filtration studies

    Åkesson, T., Eerola, P., Mjörnmark, U., Lundberg, B. & ATLAS Collaboration, 2005, Published in IEEE Nucl.Sci.Symp.Conf. Rec.2. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., s. 1185-1190

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • 2004

    ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker test-beam results

    Åkesson, T., Arik, E., Baker, K., Baron, S., Benjamin, D., Bertelsen, H., Bondarenko, V., Bytchkov, V., Callahan, J., Capeans, M., Cardiel-Sas, L., Catinaccio, A., Cetin, SA., Cwetanski, P., Dam, M., Danielsson, H., Dittus, F., Dolgoshein, B., Dressnandt, N., Driouichi, C., & 64 andraEbenstein, WL., Eerola, P., Farthouat, P., Fedin, O., Froidevaux, D., Gagnon, P., Grichkevitch, Y., Grigalashvili, N., Hajduk, Z., Hansen, P., Kayumov, F., Keener, PT., Kekelidze, G., Khristatchev, A., Konovalov, S., Koudine, L., Kovalenko, S., Kowalski, T., Kramarenko, VA., Kruger, K., Laritchev, A., Lichard, P., Luehring, F., Lundberg, B., Maleev, V., Markina, I., McFarlane, K., Mialkovski, V., Mitsou, VA., Mindur, B., Morozov, S., Munar, A., Muraviev, S., Nadtochy, A., Newcomer, FM., Ogren, H., Oh, SH., Oleshko, S., Olszowska, J., Passmore, S., Patritchev, S., Peshekhonov, V., Petti, R., Price, M., Rembser, C., Rohne, O., Romaniouk, A., Rust, DR., Ryabov, Y., Schegelsky, V., Seliverstov, D., Shin, T., Shmeleva, A., Smirnov, S., Sosnovtsev, V., Soutchkov, V., Spiridenkov, E., Tikhomirov, V., Van Berg, R., Vassilakopoulos, V., Vassilieva, L., Wang, C., Williams, HH. & Zalite, A., 2004, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Elsevier, Vol. 522. s. 50-55

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • Operation of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker under very high irradiation at the CERN LHC

    Åkesson, T., Arik, E., Baker, K., Baron, S., Benjamin, D., Bertelsen, H., Bondarenko, V., Bytchkov, V., Callahan, J., Capeans, M., Cardiel-Sas, L., Catinaccio, A., Cetin, SA., Cwetanski, P., Dam, M., Danielsson, H., Dittus, F., Dolgoshein, B., Dressnandt, N., Driouichi, C., & 15 andraEbenstein, WL., Eerola, P., Farthouat, P., Fedin, O., Froidevaux, D., Gagnon, P., Grichkevitch, Y., Grigalashvili, N., Hajduk, Z., Hansen, P., Kayumov, F., Keener, PT., Lundberg, B., ATLAS Collaboration & Zalite, A., 2004, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Elsevier, Vol. 522. s. 25-32

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • Recent aging studies for the ATLAS transition radiation tracker

    Capeans, M., Åkesson, T., Eerola, P., Mjörnmark, U., Lundberg, B., Driouichi, C., Zalite, A. & ATLAS Collaboration, 2004, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Vol. 51. s. 960-967

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • 2003

    Aging studies for the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT)

    Åkesson, T., Barberio, E., Bondarenko, V., Capeans, M., Catinaccio, A., Cwetanski, P., Danielsson, H., Dittus, F., Dolgoshein, B., Dressnandt, N., Ebenstein, WL., Eerola, P., Farthouat, P., Fedin, O., Froidevaux, D., Gavrilenko, I., Grichkevitch, Y., Gagnon, P., Hajduk, Z., Keener, PT., & 34 andraKekelidze, G., Konovalov, S., Kowalski, T., Kramarenko, VA., Laritchev, A., Lichard, P., Lundberg, B., Luehring, F., Markina, I., Manara, A., Mcfarlane, K., Mitsou, V., Muraviev, S., Newcomer, FM., Ogren, H., Oh, SH., Olszowska, J., Peshekhonov, V., Rembser, C., Romaniouk, A., Rhone, O., Rust, DR., Schegelsky, V., Shmeleva, A., Smirnov, S., Smirnova, LN., Sosnovtsev, V., Sutchkov, S., Tartarelli, F., Tikhomirov, V., Van Berg, R., Vassilieva, L., Wang, C. & Williams, HH., 2003, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Elsevier, Vol. 515. s. 166-179

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • Implementation of the DTMROC-S ASIC for the ATLAS TRT Detector in a 0.25μm CMOS technology

    Åkesson, T., Anghinolfi, F., Dressnandt, N., Eerola, P., Farthouat, P., Keener, P. T., Lichard, P., Newcomer, F. M., Ryjov, V., Szczygiel, R., Van Berg, R. & Williams, H. H., 2003, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Vol. 1. s. 549-553

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

  • 2002

    DTMROC-S: Deep submicron version of the readout chip for the TRT detector in ATLAS

    Anghinolfi, F., Åkesson, T., Eerola, P., Farthouat, P., Lichard, P., Ryjov, V., Szczygiel, R., Dressnandt, N., Keener, P., Newcomer, M., Van Berg, R., Williams, H. & ATLAS Collaboration, 2002, 8th Workshop On Electronics For LHC Experiments. Colmar 2002, Electronics for LHC experiments, s. 95-99 5 s.

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

    59 Nedladdningar (Pure)