Foto av Vladislava Stoyanova

Vladislava Stoyanova

Docent, Universitetslektor

Personlig profil


I am Associate Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law, Lund University (Sweden).

Click here for CV and full list with publications

I am the holder of the Wallenberg Academy Fellowship (2021-2026) awarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. As a Wallenberg Fellow, I lead the project ‘The Borders within: the Multifaceted Legal Landscape of Migrant Integration in Europe.’ I am the receiver of the 2023 Henrik Enderlein Prize for research excellence. 

My publications include the monographs  Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: Within and Beyond Boundaries (Oxford University Press, 2023 open access) and Human Trafficking and Slavery Reconsidered: Conceptual Limits and States’ Positive Obligations in European Law (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

I have co-edited Seeking Asylum in the European Union: Selected Protection Issues Raised by the Second Phase of the Common European Asylum System (Brill 2015), The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe: During and in the Aftermath of the 2015–2016 Crisis (Brill 2018), International Law and Violence against Women: Europe and the Istanbul Convention (Routledge 2020) and Migrants’ Rights, Populism and Legal Resilience in Europe (Cambridge University Press 2022 open access).

My research interests relate to public international law, human rights law, migration law and EU law. I am the director of the courses in migration law and European fundamental rights law at the faculty.

Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål

2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Den här personens arbete relaterar till följande Globala mål:

  • SDG 5 – Jämställdhet
  • SDG 8 – Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt
  • SDG 10 – Minskad ojämlikhet
  • SDG 16 – Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen


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