Personlig profil


I am a physiscist with 5 years experience in the design, fabrication and photophysical studies of organic inorganic hybrid perovskite material based optoelectronic devices. With the primary aim to deepen in synergy among new PVSK materials, their fundamental characteristic and application in optoelectronics, sensing and detection. During my Ph.D, I have worked on the fabrication of various optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, light emitting diodes and photodetectors based on novel 2D perovskite materials. I have fabricated novel 2D perovskite systems based on new organic amine spacers and investigated the structural-optical property relationship in different phases (n-layered) of these 2D perovskites active layers. I have also worked on different thin film fabrication techniques (hot-casting method, antisolvent engineering) for the development of novel 2D perovskite optoelectronic devices and established the optimum surface and bulk passivation strategies (using different polymers, organic and inorganic small molecules) for increased light emission and enhanced charge carrier transport in 2D perovskites. Moreover, I have also studied the nature of trap states in existing 2D perovskite systems and worked on the successful passivation of these trap states via various morphological engineering approaches including interfacial 2D/3D perovskite dimensional engineering which further benefit the photovoltaic efficiencies in devices. Currently, as a WISE postdoctoral fellow in Lund university, am exploring the lead free alternatives in perovskite optoelectronics.

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