Projekt per år
En studie av det globala klimatets och de markbundna ekosystemens svar på "sommar-El Niño"
Lu, Z. (PI)
2023/01/01 → 2027/12/31
Projekt: Forskning
The climate and environmental impacts of large-scale solar farms in Nordic countires
Lu, Z. (PI)
2022/08/15 → 2026/12/31
Projekt: Forskning
MERGE SP: Proxy-based reconstructions and model simulations of seasonal climate variations during the Last Interglacial in the Baltic Sea
Ni, S. (PI), Lu, Z. (Forskare), Zhang, Q. (Forskare), Seidenkrantz, M.-S. (Forskare) & Filipsson, H. (Forskare)
2021/09/01 → 2022/07/01
Projekt: Forskning
Effekterna av storskaliga solkraftsparker på klimat och landekosystem
Lu, Z. (Forskare)
2021/01/01 → 2024/12/31
Projekt: Forskning
MERGE SP: Trajectory analysis of atmospheric transport of 10Be to the polar region and implication for the past solar activity reconstructions
Zheng, M. (PI), Muscheler, R. (Forskare), Sjolte, J. (Forskare) & Lu, Z. (Forskare)
2020/11/01 → 2021/06/01
Projekt: Forskning
Reconciling global water and carbon variations
Ahlström, A. (PI), Chen, D. (CoPI) & Lu, Z. (Forskare)
2020/04/01 → 2022/03/31
Projekt: Forskning
MERGE SP: Large-scale solar farms in the Sahara Desert and their impacts on climate and terrestrial ecosystem
Lu, Z. (PI)
2019/09/01 → 2020/09/01
Projekt: Forskning
Simulera gröna Sahara med en jordsystemmodell
Zhang, Q. (PI), Miller, P. (Forskare), Wårlind, D. (Forskare) & Lu, Z. (Forskare)
2018/01/01 → 2021/12/31
Projekt: Forskning