

The DigiTrust project was a research theme funded by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, led by Per Runeson and Stefan Larsson and included 10 senior researcher from 5 faculties. The purpose of DigiTrust was to better understand the importance of trust in a digital society, how issues of privacy and identity are handled, and how legitimacy is reached or breached. It was a multi- and cross-disciplinary research theme centered on the complexities of trust in a digital context that studied privacy, identity and legitimacy in relation to 1) Security and privacy awareness in a digital context; 2) What knowledge (institutions) are trusted and how is this constructed; and 3) Surveillance and data retention as a legal trend.
Kort titelDigiTrust
Gällande start-/slutdatum2013/09/022014/06/30

Fria nyckelord

  • trust
  • legitimacy
  • encryption
  • knowledge institutions
  • privacy
  • security
  • surveillance
  • data retention
  • sweden
  • interdisciplinary
  • identity
  • digitrust
  • New Media