Aktiviteter per år
Pragmatic meanings, such as the emphasis of relevant topics or the marking of transitions between information, can be conveyed not only in speech, but also in manual gestures. Yet, very little is actually known about the interplay between speech and gesture in this regard. This project examines how gestures contribute to pragmatic meanings in discourse. In particular, it will examine how pragmatic gestures are influenced by 1) the type of discourse delivered (narratives vs. instructions); 2) cross-linguistic differences (Swedish vs. Italian); and 3) how the use of these gestures develop from childhood to adolescence.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2016/09/01 → 2017/12/31 |
- Crafoordska stiftelsen
Hearing and seeing discourse: how speech and gestures achieve cohesion across languages, genres, and native/non-native users
Marianne Gullberg (Inbjuden talare)
2022 sep. 29 → 2022 sep. 30Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentation › Inbjuden talare
Crosslinguistic issues in bimodal discourse
Marianne Gullberg (Inbjuden talare)
2020 okt. 22Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentation › Inbjuden talare
Intervju Svenska Dagbladet: Oväntat fynd: "Vi använder större gester än italienare"
Marianne Gullberg (intervjuad)
2020 mars 4Aktivitet: Annan › Framträdande i media