

This is a Theme at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

The current energy transition calls for a rethinking of ethical dilemmas on how to allocate the benefits and costs of scarce energy resources, not only among the citizens of urban and rural; north and south; poor and rich but also between current and future generations. Past experiences have shown that realizing energy projects is seldom an uncontested process. From confrontations over oil extraction, concerns over the sustainability of biofuels, to resistance against hydropower, wind energy projects as well as nuclear power, energy questions seem inherently fraught with conflict and sustainability concerns. This ultimately raises the question of energy justice: how can we understand and foster justice and equality when considering past, present and future energy decision-making, production and access.
Kort titelEnergy Justice
Gällande start-/slutdatum2016/10/012017/05/31

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Tvärvetenskapliga studier
  • Statsvetenskap
  • Miljövetenskap