Experiences of everyday life among individuals with co-existence of serious mental illness and cancer

Projekt: Forskning



This study focuses on individuals with both a cancer diagnosis and a SMI diagnosis when they are enrolled in cancer diagnostic, cancer treatment, cancer follow up and/or cancer care. In a study protocol, Millman and colleagues (2016) argue that there is a paucity of research addressing perspectives on the experience of cancer and of cancer services for people with serious mental illness. The current study has an interest in understanding the complexity of an everyday life marked by simultaneous severe somatic and mental health issues.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2021/01/042023/08/01


Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medicin och hälsovetenskap

Fria nyckelord

  • Comorbidity
  • Cancer
  • Severe Mental Illlness
  • Everyday life
  • Healthcare