

The European Union has set ambitious climate targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% in 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050, calling for urgent and effective climate mitigation measures within all sectors, notably the LULUCF one. Simultaneously, while using natural resources to mitigate climate change, the European Union also aims to protect biodiversity and reverse the degradation of ecosystems.
To help meet these potentially divergent targets, ForestPaths will provide clear policy pathways that outline alternative trajectories for how European forests and the forest-based sector can help climate change mitigation, while conserving their biodiversity and sustaining ecosystem services. Across-the-board stakeholders, such as forest owners, practitioners, researchers and policymakers, will be engaged in four demo cases and four policy labs to co-design and evaluate policy pathways, which will be quantified through next-generation integrated assessment techniques. The generated policy pathways will be available on ForestPaths’ interactive CANOPY policy support platform, tailored for use by national and regional European authorities.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2022/09/012027/08/31


  • Lunds universitet
  • European Forest Institute (huvudsaklig)
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
  • Wageningen University
  • Flemish Institute for Technological Research
  • Rijkswaterstaat - Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Netherlands
  • Öko-Institut, Freiburg
  • Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
  • Prospex Institute
  • Transylvania University Brasov
  • Pensoft Publishers Ltd
  • European Commission Joint Research Centre, Brussels
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Edinburgh


  • European Commission - Horizon Europe