Hospital-based Home Care for children with long-term illness

Projekt: Forskning



Hospital-based Home Care (HBHC), defined as the delivery of hospital care to patients at home is, generally, either based at hospital, which provides an outreach service where hospital professionals visit the homes, or is based in the community. HBHC is increasing for children due to technological developments, costs of hospital-based health care, and potential psychosocial benefits of reducing hospitalisations. However, knowledge regarding long-term health outcomes for the child, the general cost-effectiveness of HBHC and the use of communication
via internet is lacking.

Research in HBHC for children with long-term illness is centered on children with cancer, preterm birth, diabetes type I, HIV and IT-support for advanced home based healthcare.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2013/01/012021/12/31


  • Stiftelsen Ragnhild och Einar Lundströms Minne