The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (project number 51445-1) and collaborative partners.
Domestically, the unutilized potential of straw for use in biogas production is at least 4.3 TWh. Biogas is used as fuel in ships and road vehicles with low environmental impact. This potential could be realized socioeconomically through an industrially symbiotic relationship between the agricultural production of straw, a combined heat and power (CHP) plant that produces steam to pretreat the straw, and an adjacent wastewater treatment (WWT) plant with sewage sludge containing macro- and micro-nutrients suitable for co-digestion with the energy-dense but nutrient-poor straw. Such localization can be found in, for example, Malmö, Helsingborg, Borås and Linköping.
This project will characterise the effect of co-digestion on gas yield and the residue characteristics for dewatering, heat value, and content of nutrient elements and heavy metals. We will perform a techno-economic analysis of integration of straw production (LRF) with activities at Sysav (CHP) and VA Syd (WWT) in Malmö.
Domestically, the unutilized potential of straw for use in biogas production is at least 4.3 TWh. Biogas is used as fuel in ships and road vehicles with low environmental impact. This potential could be realized socioeconomically through an industrially symbiotic relationship between the agricultural production of straw, a combined heat and power (CHP) plant that produces steam to pretreat the straw, and an adjacent wastewater treatment (WWT) plant with sewage sludge containing macro- and micro-nutrients suitable for co-digestion with the energy-dense but nutrient-poor straw. Such localization can be found in, for example, Malmö, Helsingborg, Borås and Linköping.
This project will characterise the effect of co-digestion on gas yield and the residue characteristics for dewatering, heat value, and content of nutrient elements and heavy metals. We will perform a techno-economic analysis of integration of straw production (LRF) with activities at Sysav (CHP) and VA Syd (WWT) in Malmö.
Kort titel | Straw and sewage sludge co-digestion |
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2020/12/01 → 2022/12/31 |
- Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
- Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Alnarp
- VA Syd
- Sweden Water Research AB
- SYSAV - Sydskånes Avfallsaktiebolag
- Sysav Utveckling AB
- Federation of Swedish Farmers