International Collaborative for Critical Analyses of Neoliberalism

  • Lund Hansen, Anders (PI)
  • Berg, Lawrence D. (PI)
  • Baeten, Guy (Forskare)
  • Listerborn, Carina (Forskare)
  • Koefoed, Lasse (Forskare)

Projekt: Nätverk



STINT Initiation Grant,

Participants at main workshop:
Lawrence Berg, University of British Columbia
Bernd Belina, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Byron Miller, University of Calgary
Catharina Thörn, Göteborg University
Louise Fabian, Aarhus University
Eddie Huijbens, University of Akureyri
Mary Gilmartin, Maynooth University
Malene Freudendal Pedersen, Roskilde University
Kirsten Simonsen, Roskilde University
Anders Lund Hansen, Lund University
Lasse Koefoed, Roskilde University
Guy Baeten, Malmö University
Carina Listerborn, Malmö University
Jennie Gustafsson, Stockholm University
Maria Persdotter, Malmö University and Roskilde University
Johan Pries, Malmö University
David Pinder, Roskilde University
Erik Jönsson, Lund University

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

Initiation Grant funds will be used as seed funding to undertake two international workshops that will lead to development of the International Collaboration for the Critical Analysis of Neoliberalism (ICCAN). ICCAN is designed to provide a strong and supportive international research environment for all participants to develop global networks for research and teaching. Such networks will include opportunities to participate in international research projects funded from countries both within and beyond the European Union. It is envisioned that ICCAN will eventually provide opportunities for international workshops and training for postgraduate researchers and undergraduate students alike, to better understand neoliberalism and neoliberalization processes as objects of research, as well as to improve their own understanding of research methodologies used to understand actually-existing forms of neoliberalism in specific places.

Gällande start-/slutdatum2017/11/242018/01/06


  • Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
  • Malmö universitet
  • Uppsala universitet
  • Göteborgs universitet
  • Roskilde University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Calgary
  • Goethe University
  • University of Akureyri
  • Maynooth University
  • Aarhus University