Lokal Valuta: En idéburen Innovation för Inkludering och Arbetsintegration

Projekt: Forskning



The project aims to contribute to a more inclusive Malmö by developing and implementing a local currency designed to that purpose. The project starts from two premises. One, broad inter-sectoral collaborations are needed if we are to strengthen inclusion and integration in the labor market; two, for civil society to lead the way, tools to facilitate inter-sectoral collaborations need to be innovative, scalable and sustainable.

In collaboration with business, civil society, the public sector, academia and citizens, the project will design and test a local currency in Malmö, with the aim to contributing to a more inclusive and sustainable city.
Kort titelLokal Valuta
Gällande start-/slutdatum2021/11/152023/10/31


  • Lunds universitet
  • Internationella Kvinnoföreningen - LRC För Kvinnor (huvudsaklig)
  • Altitude Meetings AB
  • Malmö Stad näringslivsenheten


  • Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)