Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project

Projekt: Forskning



Research about aspects of moral and legal responsibility
The Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project is funded by the Swedish Research Council for the period 2014–2024 and co-funded and hosted by the Philosophy Department at Lund University and the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg. This funding provided by the Swedish Research Council is part of a wider program to attract leading international researchers to Sweden and to encourage them to build and base their research activities here. The Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project is directed by Professor Paul Russell, a leading figure in the field of free will and moral responsibility, as well as a prominent expert on the philosophy of David Hume.

Among the areas covered by the research group are free will, human agency and incapacity, collective responsibility, excuses and mitigation, the implications of neuroscience for human freedom and responsibility, and the normative principles governing practices relating to accountability and punishment. Members of the group are also concerned with more applied aspects in this area, including responsibility and mental illness, business and corporate responsibility, medical ethics, and the political dimension of responsibility as it arises in problems such as immigration, social justice and the environment.

The primary aim of the LGRP is to generate and deliver substantial research contributions on this wide set of problems and issues and to become a leading center for the study of these fundamental problems and concerns in all aspects of human life.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2014/01/012024/12/31


  • Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
  • Gothenburg Responsibility Project, Gothenburg University (Projektpartner)