Mission-Critical Control over the Cloud

Projekt: Avhandling



Cloud technology has swiftly transformed the ICT industry and it is continuing to spread. Many ICT applications are suitable for cloud deployment in that they have relaxed timing or performance requirements. In order to take the cloud concepts beyond the ICT domain and apply it to mission critical use cases such as industrial automation, transport and health care we must provide guarantees and predictability. To this end we need new tools and new ways of working. This project attacks this problem from two angles. We will work at developing a cloud infrastructure with a deterministic behaviour, thereby suitable for critical applications. Zero-touch configuration of the cloud based on feedback is a fundamental building block in our approach. Secondly we will showcase the viability of the hardened cloud through mission critical cloud application running in a real data center and operating real-world process, e.g. robotics, unmanned vehicles.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2018/01/012022/12/20

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Reglerteknik