More than green - Lighthouses of transformative nature-based solutions for inclusive communities

Projekt: Forskning



Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-01-05 - Assessing the socio-politics of nature-based solutions for more inclusive and resilient communities.
TRANS-lighthouses integrates a network of NBS'
lighthouses for urban, rural, coastal and forested areas.
NBS’ lighthouses is a metaphor for a set of local
arrangements and instruments grounded on a concerted
and networked group of multiple actors committed with
enhancing NBS contributions towards interlinked
ecological, social and economic targets. This is done by
testing new governance models and co-creation
approaches and tools on small scale but big-picture
projects that can be upscaled over time.
Each lighthouse is composed of Living Knowledge Labs,
assessment cases, pilot cases and international observers,
and will be dedicated to assessing ongoing NBS and
testing new ones, prioritising the perspectives of citizens
and stakeholders for valuing and co-creating NBS
Kort titelTranslight houses
Gällande start-/slutdatum2023/05/012025/02/28


  • University of Coimbra (huvudsaklig)