The three year project between the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) and Lund University (LU) on novel anti-fouling membranes for lignocellulosic membrane will support the transit of the society from fossil-based material to climate-smart
biomass through joint research and education with membrane processes as key unit operation in this transition. The collaboration is closely linked to on-going projects at both partners - anti-fouling membrane development at TIT and
membrane application development for lignocellulosic biorefineries at LU - which will both benefit from the synergies of this project. The project integrates both research and educational activities which are combined in three interlinked work
packages covering development and characterisation of the membranes, membrane evaluation and application plus project co-ordination, education and dissemination. Thus, the projects includes the exchange of samples, techniques and experiences through joint research activities and courses/workshops. Furthermore, involving researchers from the junior - master to the senior - professor level will secure the long-term sustainability of this project which was developed as part of the MIRAI project (2017 - 2019) which established the initial contact between the researchers which has been maintained since then.
biomass through joint research and education with membrane processes as key unit operation in this transition. The collaboration is closely linked to on-going projects at both partners - anti-fouling membrane development at TIT and
membrane application development for lignocellulosic biorefineries at LU - which will both benefit from the synergies of this project. The project integrates both research and educational activities which are combined in three interlinked work
packages covering development and characterisation of the membranes, membrane evaluation and application plus project co-ordination, education and dissemination. Thus, the projects includes the exchange of samples, techniques and experiences through joint research activities and courses/workshops. Furthermore, involving researchers from the junior - master to the senior - professor level will secure the long-term sustainability of this project which was developed as part of the MIRAI project (2017 - 2019) which established the initial contact between the researchers which has been maintained since then.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2021/12/01 → 2024/11/30 |
- Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- The Swedish foundation for International cooperation in research and higher education (STINT).
FN:s Globala mål
År 2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 Globala mål för en hållbar utveckling, utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera välstånd för alla. Projektet relaterar till följande Globala mål:
Industrial membrane process research and development centre
Lipnizki, F. (Manager) & Jönsson, A.-S. (Manager)
Avdelningen för kemiteknikInfrastruktur