Social Science Education and Pluralist Swedish Classrooms

Projekt: Avhandling



My project investigates the creation of the school subject social science (samhällskunskap) in the classroom with a special focus on students and the composition of student bodies/groups. I'm interested in how the subject is negotiated in the classroom and I want to contribute to Swedish research on social science education by investigating the actual education carried out in the classroom with focus on the students: a perspective that has been missing in recent research.

I have conducted fieldwork in four upper secondary schools in an urban area in Sweden, in classes where 40-70% of the students have an immigrant background. I have interviewed teachers about their plans and ideas regarding a certain subject matter, then observed and filmed the teaching for a number of weeks and afterwards interviewed students and teachers about shorter videoed situations but also social science education more generally.

Increasingly, I have come to focus on the role of emotion in how the subject is created in the classroom and what happens in situations when students somehow interrupt the teaching. Due to my research design I am able to analyse situations where students felt an urge to interrupt or intervene, but did not.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2013/09/012019/12/13

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

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