

The aim is to estimate Skåne's population exposure to particles (PM10, PM2,5) and soot total and from the sources regional background, shipping, local traffic, other transport, work machinery, industry and wood burning. Mortality and morbidity are calculated for relevant pollutants, including NO2, PM 2.5, soot. Regional differences in exposure to different sources are described in examples (woodland municipality, port city, metropolitan area)

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

We estimate Skåne's population exposure to particles and soot total and from the sources regional background, shipping, local traffic, other transport, work machinery, industry and wood burning. Mortality and morbidity are calculated for relevant pollutants. Regional differences in exposure to different sources are described in examples (woodland municipality, port city, metropolitan area)
AkronymSpiS 2
Gällande start-/slutdatum2017/09/012018/12/31