Student housing as a field of experimentation 1870–1970

Projekt: Forskning



This study posits that student housing differs from housing in significant ways and explores student housing as a building typology. Its purpose is to develop understanding of the interrelations between student housing design and the university, city and socius. The aims are to: 1) map the development of Swedish student housing nationally, a field thus far uncharted; 2) better understand the interrelation between student housing and social, political, financial, ideological and material influences.

The study will primarily investigate archival material: architectural drawings and other project documents. Research will be conducted over a three-year period, initially focusing on a detailed overview of as many student housing projects from the period as possible. It will later entail detailed studies of selected projects that challenged contemporary norms in their design or function.
The study will address the following questions:

1) By whom was student housing constructed and why?
2) Who was included in/excluded from student homes?
3) What architectural means were used to manage inhabitants; why?
4) How has the relationship between student housing projects and their cities developed?

As society sets out to construct large numbers of student housing units once again, we must take the opportunity
to learn from how earlier generations addressed the same endeavor. A historical perspective enables us identify
and alter prejudices and discrimination that have remained pervasive.

Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning

Det föreslagna projektet bryter ny mark genom att ta ett samlat grepp kring byggnadstypen studentbostads nittonhundratalshistoria i Sverige. Studentbostäder reflekterar sin samtid, och de institutioner som byggde studentbostäder hade ofta en mycket klar bild av hur studenter borde leva och tidvis också hur dessa individer
skulle formas för att passa in i könsroller och andra samhälleliga roller. Projektet bygger på idén om att studentbostäder kan lära oss mer om samhället både då och även idag eftersom deras utformning speglade samhällsordningen, dess maktförhållanden och fördomar inte minst.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2023/01/012025/12/31