Studying the temporal dynamics of light driven coherent electron waves in nano structures

Projekt: Forskning



When ultrashort light pulses of high intensity are shone onto a material, the electronic surrounding has a fast response. For certain frequencies, surface charge currents are driven in the form of coherent electronic waves called surface plasmon polaritons. However, these are damped on a time scale ranging from a few to a hundred of femtoseconds (10−15 seconds), which restricts their use in concrete applications.

Our project aims at resolving the propagation dynamics, in particular the decoherence properties. We also investigate processes that occur concomitantly, like nonlinear or direct photoemission. We carry such investigations in several nanostructures by means of pump-probe spectroscopy. First, we excite the electronic process of interest with a light pulse. We then send another pulse to photoemit the electrons which are recorded with a PhotoEmission Electron Microscope (PEEM). By using femtosecond and attosecond pulses, we can observe very short temporal events.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2023/12/012024/12/31