Supporting LIFE (Supporting Low-cost Intervention For disEase control)

Projekt: Forskning



The overall objective of Supporting LIFE is to combat mortality and morbidity among children in Malawi. It targets disease control in a multi-target intervention:

Supporting LIFE provides local health surveillance assistants in Malawi with an electronic CCM (e-CCM) application based on mobile phones which can be used to improve the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of seriously ill children with infectious diseases and to circumvent the absence of healthcare infrastructures and ensure more appropriate referrals to hospitals. Furthermore, the education material created on mobile phones for the HSAs have te potential to be expanded to the general population for healthcare education.

It helps to ensure a more accurate diagnosis and reduces the barrier to care for those most affected by malaria/infantile diarrhoea (children under 5 years) by providing wireless vital sign sensors and expert decision support systems deployed on mobile technology at the point of care. While developing the e-CCM, project partners will determin new clinical factors that should be included in decision support systems such as the CCM, making the Supporting LIFE decision support system state of the art.

It will also facilitate digital data collection of children’s health status thus providing accurate real time disease statistics in an area by monitoring symptom trends (e.g. fever/diarrhoea) centrally. This will help circumvent the absence of healthcare infrastructures in Malawi and enable the Ministry of Health to improve public health initiatives. Through the creation of a database of vital signs and clinical symptoms, the collected information can be used for the further development of decision support systems.

The project comprises ten partners from seven different countries. The consortium is a partnership of leaders in complementary fields of expertise, creating a unique approach to tackle critical challenges in the development of the e-CCM device.
Gällande start-/slutdatum2013/06/012017/05/31


  • Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
  • Imperial College London
  • Luke International Norway
  • Mzuzu University
  • accelopment AG │ ACCEL
  • University of Washington
  • Ping Tung Christian Hospital Taiwan
  • University College Cork


  • European Commission - FP7

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning
  • Hälsovetenskaper