Distinktionen mellan analytisk och kontinental filosofi har spelat en betydelsefull roll inom filosofi, universitets- och kulturliv i Sverige under efterkrigstiden. Via studiet av denna distinktion avser vi att belysa den svenska universitetsfilosofin. Vår grundhypotes är att den roll som distinktionen haft har en påvisbar koppling till olika berättelser om det moderna Sverige och till den svenska samhällsutvecklingen sedan krigsslutet. Vi skiljer mellan tre perioder: a) Från 1945 till 1965: distinktionen uppkommer och befästs. b) Mitten av 60-talet till mitten av 70-talet: marxismens uppsving och utmaning. c) Från mitten av 70-talet och framåt: nya strömningar som poststrukturalism och feministisk filosofi uppkommer. Vår ambition är att utforska universitetsfilosofin i ljuset av den svenska samhällsutvecklingen sedan 1945, och att bidra till den samhällsvetenskapliga forskningen om humanistisk kunskapsproduktion.
The distinction between analytical and continental philosophy has played an important role in Swedish philosophy and cultural life since the end of World War II. With the help of this distinction we plan to investigate modern Swedish university philosophy. A hypothesis is that the role the distinction has played is related to different narratives about modern Sweden and Swedish society since 1945. We distinguish between three phases: a) from 1945 to 1965: the distinction comes into being and is established. b) From the mid-60s to the mid 70s: the Marxist challenge. c) From the mid-70s: new currents like poststructuralism and feminist philosophy come into being. Our ambition is to investigate Swedish university philosophy as seen in a broader societal perspective, and to contribute to research on the production of knowledge within the humanities.
The distinction between analytical and continental philosophy has played an important role in Swedish philosophy and cultural life since the end of World War II. With the help of this distinction we plan to investigate modern Swedish university philosophy. A hypothesis is that the role the distinction has played is related to different narratives about modern Sweden and Swedish society since 1945. We distinguish between three phases: a) from 1945 to 1965: the distinction comes into being and is established. b) From the mid-60s to the mid 70s: the Marxist challenge. c) From the mid-70s: new currents like poststructuralism and feminist philosophy come into being. Our ambition is to investigate Swedish university philosophy as seen in a broader societal perspective, and to contribute to research on the production of knowledge within the humanities.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2014/01/01 → 2016/12/31 |
Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)
- Samhällsvetenskap