The objective of this project is to establish a strategic knowledge platform with the purpose of assembling and expanding knowledge about the role of global companies in the Swedish innovation system. The knowledge platform will also serve to understand better the integration of the Swedish innovation system itself into global research and innovation networks, as well as global value chains.
Global firms have a significant influence on innovation activities in both their home and host countries. They not only contribute directly to the overall competitiveness of the economic systems in which they operate, through their own innovative efforts, but they do it also indirectly, through specific channels that are able to foster the development of the technological capabilities and the competitiveness of the other firms of the system.
The research activities of this project have two main aims: the first is to provide an accurate picture of the presence of multinational companies in Sweden, by clearly identifying the corporate boundaries of such global firms, and by understanding the role of Swedish-based operations as embedded in their global networks of subsidiaries.
The second aim of the study is to analyze the specific channels through which multinationals with significant innovation-related activites in Sweden can contribute to the development of the innovative capacity of their host economic system: this will involve the study of the entrepreneurial spawning of multinational companies, the acquisitions patterns of technological companies, the ability to attract talents from within Sweden and internationally.
The outcome of this project will be to understand the role of Sweden for global firms, by identifying the relative weight of the Swedish-based economic activities within multinationals’ global corporate structures, but it will also add to the understanding of the specific position held by Sweden in the internationally fragmented value chains of these firms. Finally it will also shed some light on the underlying reasons that drive the choice of MNEs to retain or establish their presence in Sweden. This will also serve the purpose of building research competences and providing new avenues for future studies in the field.
Global firms have a significant influence on innovation activities in both their home and host countries. They not only contribute directly to the overall competitiveness of the economic systems in which they operate, through their own innovative efforts, but they do it also indirectly, through specific channels that are able to foster the development of the technological capabilities and the competitiveness of the other firms of the system.
The research activities of this project have two main aims: the first is to provide an accurate picture of the presence of multinational companies in Sweden, by clearly identifying the corporate boundaries of such global firms, and by understanding the role of Swedish-based operations as embedded in their global networks of subsidiaries.
The second aim of the study is to analyze the specific channels through which multinationals with significant innovation-related activites in Sweden can contribute to the development of the innovative capacity of their host economic system: this will involve the study of the entrepreneurial spawning of multinational companies, the acquisitions patterns of technological companies, the ability to attract talents from within Sweden and internationally.
The outcome of this project will be to understand the role of Sweden for global firms, by identifying the relative weight of the Swedish-based economic activities within multinationals’ global corporate structures, but it will also add to the understanding of the specific position held by Sweden in the internationally fragmented value chains of these firms. Finally it will also shed some light on the underlying reasons that drive the choice of MNEs to retain or establish their presence in Sweden. This will also serve the purpose of building research competences and providing new avenues for future studies in the field.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2017/12/03 → 2020/12/01 |
- Lunds universitet (huvudsaklig)
- Blekinge Tekniska Högskola
- Jönköping International Business School
- Lunds universitet: CIRCLE
- Swedish Government Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova)