Telling Stories with Archaeological Data: TETRARCHs

  • Perry, Sara (PI)
  • Wright, Holly (CoPI)
  • Laužikas, Rimvydas (CoPI)
  • Dell'Unto, Nicolo (CoPI)
  • Lozić, Edisa (CoPI)
  • Verreyke, Hélène (CoPI)

Projekt: Forskning



TETRARCHs is a EU project that experiments with approaches to collecting archaeological data and using that data for storytelling in ways that are meaningful for diverse audiences. Our experiments will help both those who preserve our heritage and the huge range of citizens across Europe who value it.

To do so, we will create new workflows for collecting and managing archaeology and heritage data. Here we’ll examine how the archaeological process in the field, the lab and the archive can be changed to support storytelling with the data. We’ll develop these workflows by partnering with an interdisciplinary team of archaeological specialists, data scientists and museum practitioners alongside three key audiences: domain experts, creative practitioners, and memory institutions.
Our project includes archaeology data collection at three different scales: from whole landscapes, to single sites, to individual objects. We’ll explore these using four increasingly common technologies for data capture: airborne LiDAR, 3D scanning, digital field drawing and photography.
Kort titelTelling Stories with Archaeological Data
Gällande start-/slutdatum2022/10/012025/09/30


  • Forte, Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Arkeologi