Testing the Limits of the Single-Particle Model in (e,e'p)

  • Fissum, Kevin (PI)

    Projekt: Forskning


    • 2009

      (e,e'p) reaction at true quasielastic kinematics in 16O, 12C, and 208Pb at JLab

      López Herraiz, J., Udias, J., Weinstein, L., Fissum, K., Camsonne, A., Saha, A., Cornejo, J. C., Aniol, K., Urciuoli, G. M. & The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration, 2009, La Rabida 2009, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory Experiements and Applications. s. 225-226 2 s.

      Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

    • 2005

      Measurement of the He3(e,e'p)pn reaction at high missing energies and momenta

      Behmokhtar, F. & Fissum, K., 2005, I: Physical Review Letters. 94, 8, 082305.

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • Quasielastic He-3(e,e(')p)H-2 reaction at Q(2)=1.5 GeV2 for recoil momenta up to 1 GeV/c

      Rvachev, M., Benmokhtar, F., Penel-Nottaris, E., Aniol, K., Bertozzi, W., Boeglin, W., Butaru, F., Calarco, J., Chai, Z., Chang, C., Chen, J., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Cochran, A., Cornejo, J., Dieterich, S., Djawotho, P., Duran, W., Epstein, M. & Finn, J. & 55 andra, Fissum, K., Frahi-Amroun, A., Frullani, S., Furget, C., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilad, S., Gilman, R., Glashausser, C., Hansen, J., Higinbotham, D., Hotta, A., Hu, B., Iodice, M., Iomni, R., de Jager, C., Jiang, X., Jones, M., Kelly, J., Kox, S., Kuss, M., Laget, J., De Leo, R., LeRose, J., Liatard, E., Lindgren, R., Liyanage, N., Lourie, R., Malov, S., Margaziotis, D., Markowitz, P., Merchez, F., Michaels, R., Mitchell, J., Mougey, J., Perdrisat, C., Punjabi, V., Quemener, G., Ransome, R., Real, J., Roche, R., Sabatie, F., Saha, A., Simon, D., Strauch, S., Suleiman, R., Tamae, T., Templon, J., Tieulent, R., Ueno, H., Ulmer, P., Urciuoli, G., Voutier, E., Wijesooriya, K. & Wojtsekhowski, B., 2005, I: Physical Review Letters. 94, 19, 192302.

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • 2004

      Measurement of the exclusive 3He(e, e′p) reaction below the quasielastic peak

      Kozlov, A., Sarty, A. J., Aniol, K. A., Bartsch, P., Baumann, D., Bertozzi, W., Bohinc, K., Böhm, R., Chen, J. P., Dale, D., Dennis, L., Derber, S., Ding, M., Distler, M. O., Dragovitsch, P., Ewald, I., Fissum, K. G., Friedrich, J. M., Friedrich, J. M. & Geiges, R. & 29 andra, Gilad, S., Jennewein, P., Kahrau, M., Kohl, M., Krygier, K. W., Liesenfeld, A., Margaziotis, D. J., Merkel, H., Merle, P., Müller, U., Neuhausen, R., Pospischil, T., Potokar, M., Riccardi, G., Roché, R., Rosner, G., Rowntree, D., Schmieden, H., Širca, S., Templon, J. A., Thompson, M. N., Wagner, A., Walcher, T., Weis, M., Zhao, J., Zhou, Z. L., Golak, J., Glöckle, W. & Witalła, H., 2004 sep. 24, I: Physical Review Letters. 93, 13

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • Dynamics of the quasielastic O-16(e,ep) reaction at Q2 = 0.8 (GeV/c)2

      Fissum, K., 2004, I: Physical Review C: covering nuclear physics. 70, 3, 034606.

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • 2002

      H-2(e,e ' p)n reaction at high recoil momenta

      Ulmer, P., Aniol, K., Arenhovel, H., Chen, J., Chudakov, E., Crovelli, D., Finn, J., Fissum, K., Gayou, O., Gomez, J., Hansen, J., de Jager, C., Jeschonnek, S., Jones, M., Kuss, M., LeRose, J., Liang, M., Lindgren, R., Malov, S. & Meekins, D. & 10 andra, Michaels, R., Mitchell, J., Perdrisat, C., Punjabi, V., Roche, R., Sabatie, F., Saha, A., Suleiman, R., Todor, L. & Wojtsekhowski, B., 2002, I: Physical Review Letters. 89, 6

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • 2001

      Dynamics of the 16O(e,e′p) Reaction at High Missing Energies

      Liyanage, N., Fissum, K., Zhou, Z. L. & The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration, 2001, I: Physical Review Letters. 86, 25, s. 5670-5674

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • The Longitudinal and transverse response of the He-4 (e,e-prime p) reaction in the dip region

      Fissum, K., Kozlov, A., Aniol, K. A., Bartsch, P., Baumann, D., Bertozzi, W., Böhm, R., Bohinc, K., Chen, J. .. P., Dale, D., Dennis, L., Derber, S., Ding , M., Distler, M. O., Dragovitsch, P., Ewald, I., Florizone, R. E. J., Friedrich, J. M., Friedrich, J. M. & Geiges, R. & 26 andra, Gilad, S., Jennewein, P., Kahrau, M., Kohl, M., Krygier, K. W., Liesenfeld, A., Margaziotis, D. J., Merkel, H., Merle, P., Müller, U., Neuhausen, R., Pospischil, T., Riccardi, G., Roché, R., Rosner, G., Rowntree, D., Sarty, A. J., Schmieden, H., Širca, S., Templon, J. A., Thompson, M. N., Wagner, A., Walcher, T., Weis, M., Zhao, J. & Zhou, Z., 2001, I: Nuclear Physics A. 684, 1-4, s. 460-463 3 s.

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review

    • 2000

      Dynamical Relativistic Effects in Quasielastic 1p-Shell Proton Knockout from 16O

      Gao, J., Fissum, K., Zhou, Z. L. & The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration, 2000, I: Physical Review Letters. 84, 15, s. 3265-3269

      Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review