In the PD_pal project we have a Parkinson's nurse with palliative medicine training visit the patient and relatives at home on a total of four occasions. The nurse is in telemedicine contact with Parkinson's doctors and other experts at the hospital's neurology clinic. In this way, these patients, who are often too unwell to be able to go to the hospital's specialist wards, get access to specialist care at home. They work together, based on the wishes of the patient and relatives, to develop an advanced care plan for how the patient should be treated and taken care of, partly in the present, partly in the coming years. The plans are then communicated to primary care, specialist care and municipal care. The goal is to achieve the best possible quality of life for the patient and relatives in these late stages of the disease. An initial evaluation of the Swedish results indicates that the intervention leads to an improved quality of life for the patient and relatives and that the intervention does not lead to any increased costs for society. Continued analyzes are now being made of the Swedish and European results.
Kort titel | PD_pal |
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2020/01/01 → 2024/06/30 |
- The Swedish Parkinson Foundation, Parkinsonfonden
- Åhlén-stiftelsen
Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)
- Neurologi