This project focuses on narratives about intercountry adoption, with a particular focus on adoptees’ own stories about belonging versus non-belonging, both at an local, national and global level. To be an intercountry adoptee is to exceed cultural boundaries and challenge certain categories, and the analysis of these processes of differentiation is inspired by Haraway’s (2004) and Barad’s (2007) diffractive methodology and Haraway´s reflections on genetic fetishism. In this analytical process Donna Haraway’s reflections on the body as material-semiotic and genetic fetishism and essentialism are used as perspectives.
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 2022/01/01 → 2023/12/31 |
Fria nyckelord
- intercountry adoption
- inapproriated others
- belonging
- Narratives