A Global Response to Climate Change: In, through, and for Cities?

Sander Chan, David Gordon, Emma Lecavalier, Craig Johnson, Angel Hsu, Fee Stehle, Thomas Hickmann, Jennifer Bansard, Patricia Romero-Lankao

Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till övrig tidskrift/dags- eller nyhetstidningArtikel i facktidskrift eller populärpressPopulärvetenskap


Cities have been wildly successful over recent years in positioning themselves at the center of the global conversation on climate change. For example, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently convened the Cities & Climate Change Conference (CitiesIPCC) in Edmonton, Alberta. The conference — hosted by a city that once advertised itself as Canada’s oil capital — brought together a diverse constellation of academics, practitioners, and policy-makers to shape a forward-looking research agenda centered around sustainable transformation to meeting global climate goals in, by, and through cities.
SpecialistpublikationDuck of Minerva
StatusPublished - 2018
Externt publiceradJa

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Statsvetenskap


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