A strategic and comprehensive vision for future R&D in construction ICT

Alain Zarli, Abdul Samad (Sami) Kazi, Matti Hannus, Marc Bourdeau, Anders Ekholm, Ronny Andersson

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

    84 Nedladdningar (Pure)


    The tremendous development in the past ten last years of the Internet and ICT at large (whether it be in general technologies like semantic modeling, knowledge mining, RFID or mobile technologies, or domain-oriented ones like e-commerce, collaborative spaces, digital mock-ups, etc.) has opened a large spectrum of potential applica-tions of ICT in the Construction sector. The real adaptation and deployment of ICT in Construction has indeed just started, and there is a high need to organize and plan future R&D actions for Construction ICT, while at the same time to better evaluate the benefits and thereby convince Construction actors. This is the role of the Strat-CON and BICT projects, respectively, which are introduced in this article in terms of their aims and major results.
    Titel på värdpublikationBringing ITC knowledge to work
    Undertitel på värdpublikationProceedings of the W78 Conference, Maribor 2007
    FörlagUniverza v Mariboru
    Antal sidor8
    StatusPublished - 2007
    EvenemangCIB W078 IT in Construction - Maribor, Slovenien
    Varaktighet: 2007 juni 252007 juni 27


    KonferensCIB W078 IT in Construction

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Samhällsbyggnadsteknik


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