A Study on Variation Technique in Courses on Scientific Computing

Dara Maghdid, Piotr Szybek, Claus Führer

Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till övrig tidskrift/dags- eller nyhetstidningArtikel i facktidskrift eller populärpressPopulärvetenskap


The background of this study is a project aiming at assessing the quality of teaching and learning in scientific computing in different cultural settings. This, we hope will lead us to constructing standards, which can provide outcomes of comparable quality in scientific computing in different countries and societies. Specifically we want to gain insight which quality benchmarks are suitable for the project. The tool w
e use in teaching is a set of variation techniques.
The presented pilot study aims at the examination of the role variation theory for the quality of elementary courses in scientific computing. Earlier studies by others confirmed that variation theory offers a comprehensive set of variables characterizing teaching, well described and easy to follow and measure and which can result in improving teaching. The main data for this investigation was collected via
interviewing students.
VolymVol. 3
NummerJune 2015
SpecialistpublikationScience Journal of Education
FörlagScience Publishing Group
StatusPublished - 2015

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Numerical Analysis (011015004)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Utbildningsvetenskap


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