Alternative EV powertrain topologies designed for operation in a conductive electric road system

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


Electric road systems (ERS) are technologies that allow to charge electric vehicles (EVs) while they are driving. This makes it possible to reduce the installed battery capacity and therefore the weight and cost of the vehicle. However, while the vehicle is charging from the ERS a protective earth connection cannot be ensured, which introduces new isolation challenges in the design of the electric powertrain. This work presents, and explains the working principle of three different powertrain configurations specially designed to operate in conjunction of an ERS. These powertrain concepts differ from each other on whether or not an isolated DC-DC converter is used and in the number of traction electrical machines and converters. As case study two different applications are considered, a city bus and a heavy truck and the conclusions regarding energy consumption are cost are summarized.

Titel på värdpublikation2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles and International Transportation Electrification Conference, ESARS-ITEC 2018
FörlagIEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781538641927
StatusPublished - 2019 jan. 14
Evenemang2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles and International Transportation Electrification Conference, ESARS-ITEC 2018 - Nottingham, Storbritannien
Varaktighet: 2018 nov. 72018 nov. 9


Konferens2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles and International Transportation Electrification Conference, ESARS-ITEC 2018

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Elektroteknik och elektronik
  • Farkostteknik


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