An Experiment of Integrated Technologies in Digital Archaeology: Creation of New Pipelines to Increase the Perception of Archaeological Data

Nicolo Dell'Unto, Mattias Wallergård, Matteo Dellepiane, Stefan Lindgren, Bodil Petersson, Roeland Paardekooper

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


Abstract Digital visualization has gone through a revolutionary decade. Compared to other fields where these methods have been applied, archaeology has been, and still is, more resistant to integrating tools and instruments able to describe materials and scenarios with high resolution. This is partly due to the archaeological misconception of high cost of scientific equipment and the complexity in managing an entire pipeline of data processing. 3D data can be used to describe a huge quantity of information in a single model, and with that, can radically change the traditional way of investigating and interpreting an archaeological context. In this work we
explore the potential of using 3D documentation to interpret an archaeological context. Moreover, we try to investigate how a 3D digital methodology can be completely integrated and managed with reasonable costs by archaeologists during an excavation. Furthermore, we test visualization tools such as a cave (an immersive, with the specific purpose to understand how the comprehension and sensory impact of an archaeological context changes in relation to how the 3D data is visualized.
Titel på värdpublikationCAA2010
Undertitel på värdpublikationFusion of Culture. Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
RedaktörerFrancisco Contreras, Mercedes Farjas, Javier Melero
ISBN (tryckt)978 1 4073 1108 1
StatusPublished - 2013
EvenemangCAA 2010 Fusion of Cultures - Granada, Spanien
Varaktighet: 2010 apr. 62010 apr. 9


KonferensCAA 2010 Fusion of Cultures

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Antikvetenskap


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