An oat bran-based beverage reduce postprandial glycaemia equivalent to yoghurt in healthy overweight subjects.

Cecilia Lindström, Anne Voinot, Anna Forslund, Olle Holst, Ana Rascon, Rickard Öste, Elin Östman

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


An acute meal study was performed to determine postprandial glucose and insulin responses after consumption of two fermented oat bran-based beverages (with and without exopolysaccharides) and yoghurt. This randomized, single-blind, within-subject study included 18 healthy, overweight participants. Four breakfast meals, including a reference meal, were tested; all meals contained 50 g of available carbohydrates, but differed in energy and macronutrient composition. All experimental meals reduced the postprandial glucose response compared with the reference meal. The oat drinks as well as the yoghurt elicited higher early (0-15 min) insulin responses, but the overall insulinaemia were similar to the reference meal. A new food product containing fermented liquid oat bran and milk reduced the postprandial blood glucose response as efficiently as yoghurt after a high-glycaemic index white wheat bread meal, but the presence of microbial exopolysaccharides did not affect the outcome.
Sidor (från-till)700-705
TidskriftInternational Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
StatusPublished - 2015

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Biotechnology (LTH) (011001037), Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry (011001300), Food for Health Science Centre, Kemicentrum (016630313)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Livsmedelsvetenskap


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    Adlercreutz, P. (PI), Ahrén, I. L. (PI), Ahrné, S. (Forskare), Alhamimi, S. (Forskarstuderande), Andersson, K. E. (Forskare), Andersson, K. E. (Forskarstuderande), Månberger, A. (Forskare), Axling, U. (Forskare), Axling, U. (Forskarstuderande), Bergenståhl, B. (Forskare), Berger, K. (PI), Björck, I. (PI), Bränning, C. (Forskarstuderande), Bäckhed, F. (PI), Zanzer, Y. C. (Forskarstuderande), Danielsson, A. (PI), Danielsson, B. (Forskningsassistent), Degerman, E. (PI), Dejmek, P. (Forskare), Dey, E. (PI), Dougkas, A. (Forskare), Ekström, L. (Forskarstuderande), Eliasson, A.-C. (PI), Fahlgren, C. (Forskningsingenjör), Falck, P. (PI), Falck, P. (Forskarstuderande), Ghaffarzadegan, T. (Forskarstuderande), Granfeldt, Y. (Forskare), Grey, C. (Forskare), Gunnerud, U. (Forskarstuderande), Håkansson, Å. (Forskare), Håkansson, Å. (Forskarstuderande), Hållenius, F. (Forskare), Hållenius, F. (PI), Haskå, L. (PI), Haskå, L. (Forskarstuderande), Heimann, E. (Forskarstuderande), Hellstrand, P. (Forskare), Heyman, L. (Forskarstuderande), Holm Wallenberg, C. (PI), Holmén-Pålbrink, A.-K. (Forskningsassistent), Holst, O. (Forskare), Immerstrand, T. (Forskarstuderande), Immerzeel, P. (Forskare), Jakobsdottir, G. (Forskarstuderande), Jeppsson, B. (Forskare), Johansson, E. (Forskarstuderande), Johansson, M. (Projektkoordinator), Johansson, M. (Forskare), Johansson, M. (Forskningsassistent), Johansson, U. (Forskare), Jones, H. (Forskare), Nordberg Karlsson, E. (Forskare), Kovatcheva-Datchary, P. (Forskare), Kulcinskaja, E. (Forskarstuderande), Landin-Olsson, M. (Forskare), Linninge, C. (Forskare), Marefati, A. (Forskarstuderande), Marungruang, N. (Forskarstuderande), Molin, G. (PI), Nilsson, A. (PI), Nilsson, E. (Forskningsingenjör), Nilsson, U. (PI), Nyman, M. (PI), Ohlson, E. (Forskningsassistent), Olsson, C. (Forskare), Öste, R. (PI), Östman, E. (PI), Persson, L. (Forskningsingenjör), Persson, S. (Forskare), Plaza, M. (Forskare), Prykhodko, O. (Forskare), Radeborg, K. (Forskare), Rayner, M. (PI), Rosén, L. (Forskarstuderande), Sandahl, M. (Forskare), Sandberg, J. (Forskarstuderande), Sjöö, M. (PI), Skog, K. (Forskare), Spégel, P. (PI), Stålbrand, H. (Forskare), Sterner, O. (PI), Svensson, J. (Forskarstuderande), Tareke, E. (PI), Tovar, J. (PI), Turner, C. (PI), Weström, B. (Forskare), Xu, J. (Forskarstuderande) & Zhong, Y. (Forskarstuderande)


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