Aprendizajes en ingeniería de prototipado en centros de investigación de una universidad pública en Bolivia

Bidragets översatta titel : Lärande i prototypteknik i forskningscentra vid ett offentligt universitet i Bolivia

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


The present study reports the state of the art on the application of factors about prototyping engineering approach, using case studies of machinery manufactured by research centers of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon (UMSS) in Cochabamba-Bo-livia, to determine guidelines that allow structuring broad, analytical and intuitive prototyping strategies. The research centers linked to the case studies, carried out prototyping processes based on the accumulation of practical knowledge of resear-chers, students and technicians. The lessons learned from the Prototyping Engineering approach at the UMSS show that, in order to improve their prototyping strategies, it is advisable to use key typologies for efficient engineering: use of similar materials and techniques to the final design, prototype manufacturing at the research center, having a set of subsystems, inter-and transdisciplinary learning spaces, inclusion of all compo-nents and total equipment functionality. Prototyping Engineering approach was reac-tive rather than systematic. There are still opportunities to improve this approach and create new methods, which will also involve, the prototyping management approach, to explain the impact of decisions on the resources of a project.
Bidragets översatta titel Lärande i prototypteknik i forskningscentra vid ett offentligt universitet i Bolivia
OriginalspråkSpanska (Paraguay)
Sidor (från-till)77-102
Antal sidor26
StatusPublished - 2022 dec. 25
Externt publiceradJa

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Teknik och teknologier

Konstnärlig forskning

  • Design


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