Aprendizajes en Ingeniería y Gestión de prototipado en centros de investigación de metalmecánica de la universidad Mayor de San Simón

Bidragets översatta titel : Lärande i teknik och prototyphantering i forskningscentra för metallbearbetning vid Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Forskningsoutput: AvhandlingMasteruppsats


The creation of prototypes for the design of new products is a fundamental activity in the metal-mechanic sector that contributes to Bolivia's socioeconomic development. The existence of a multitude of factors that positively or negatively affect the prototype, are encompassed in two approaches: i) prototyping engineering and ii) prototyping management. Research for the design of prototypes suitable for local needs is a primary activity carried out by the research centers of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS). This particular study reports on the state of the art in the application of engineering and prototyping management approach factors, based on case studies of machinery manufactured by the UMSS metalworking research centers, to determine guidelines for structuring comprehensive, analytical and intuitive prototyping strategies. The lessons learned from both approaches show that, in order to reduce the technological gap, research centers should use typologies that contribute to efficient engineering and management. For the first approach we have: the generation of inter and transdisciplinary learning spaces, the organization from a set of subsystems, the full functionality of the equipment and the inclusion of all components. Additionally, the use of materials and techniques similar to the final design, of prototypes manufactured in the same research center, will allow time optimization and guarantee compliance with the minimum requirements. With respect to efficient management: the provision of a formal protocol for prototyping, legitimate user demand, transition plan, either for commercialization or for evaluation and continuous improvement. The latter depends on the use of the knowledge value generated by each prototype according to the context of the research center. And finally, optimizing the timing of the front-end phase and prototype manufacturing will ensure that we are on the cutting edge of technology. Both approaches were reactive rather than systematic. Given these approaches to the use of key typologies for efficient engineering and management, there are great opportunities for improvement for metalworking research centers. The possibility arises of using proven tools such as "Design Thinking" to improve the current engineering and management prototyping processes, and to optimize the research capabilities installed at UMSS and respond effectively to the demands of technological innovation and in particular of the prototyping processes of the traditional and non-traditional productive complexes prioritized in Bolivia.
Bidragets översatta titel Lärande i teknik och prototyphantering i forskningscentra för metallbearbetning vid Universidad Mayor de San Simón
Tilldelande institution
  • Universidad Mayor de San Simon
Sponsorer för avhandling
Tilldelningsdatum2020 dec. 1
Utgivningsort Cochabamba
UtgåvaDDigital - UMSS
StatusPublished - 2020 dec. 18
Externt publiceradJa

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi
  • Annan maskinteknik

Fria nyckelord

  • Bolivia


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