Att skapa en civil ekonom: Civilekonomprogrammet som en marknadsdriven utbildning

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragDebate/Note/EditorialPeer review


In this article we analyze the initial phase (2004–2006) in the establishment
of the vocational degree of ’civilekonom’ [literally: ‘civil economist’] as a
process of professionalization. Drawing upon ideas from discourse analysis,
we investigate texts produced by ’Civilekonomerna’ [the union of economics
and business graduates], ’Lagstiftaren’ [the legislature], and the expert panel
of the assessment process where some universities were granted the right to
issue the degree of ’civilekonom’. The study shows that the establishment
of ‘civilekonom’ as a vocational degree follows a selective, market based
discourse, rather than a resource based one, which is quite unique in the
context of professionalization. Our conclusion is that the establishment of
‘civilekonom’ exemplifies one way in which a profession may undermine
its own source of legitimacy by aiming to satisfy selected recipients, and
trying to sell its services on a market where it initially lacks competitive
advantage. The article ends by pointing at potential long-term problems
with a selectively market based professionalization. We conclude the article
with a discussion of the value of a ‘civil ekonom’ in light of the role of the
modern university in society.
Sidor (från-till)77-90
TidskriftNordiske Organisasjonsstudier
StatusPublished - 2012

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Företagsekonomi

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