Bases moleculares e importancia clínica de los excepcionales fenotipos de grupo sanguíneo P y PK

Daniel De La Vega Elena, Asa Hellberg, Mario Pivetta, Miguel Ángel Raillon, Sergio Chialina, E. Solis, Martin L Olsson

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragÖversiktsartikelPeer review


All the cells of the individuals with phenotypes "p" y "Pk" lack the glucidic antigens of "public" blood groups. These subjects form natural and regular antibodies against the missing structures (anti-P, anti-PP1 y anti-PP1Pk) that agglutínate or hemolyze the red-blood cells of every individual, excepting those with the same phenotype. Due to the exceptional character of these pictures (a few individuals per million) and their association with severe transfusional hemolytic reactions and repeated miscarriages, these subjects should be identified and characterized.

Bidragets översatta titel Molecular bases and clinical importance of the exceptional phenotypes of blood group P and PK
TidskriftRevista Cubana de Hematologia, Inmunologia y Hemoterapia
StatusPublished - 2008 sep.

Bibliografisk information

Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Hematologi
  • Immunologi inom det medicinska området


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