Biomarker selection for detection of occult tumour cells in lymph nodes of colorectal cancer patients using real-time quantitative RT-PCR

L. Ohlsson, M-L Hammarstrom, A. Israelsson, L. Naslund, A. Oberg, Gudrun Lindmark, S. Hammarstrom

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Accurate identification of lymph node involvement is critical for successful treatment of patients with colorectal carcinoma ( CRC). Real- time quantitative RT - PCR with a specific probe and RNA copy standard for biomarker mRNA has proven very powerful for detection of disseminated tumour cells. Which properties of biomarker mRNAs are important for identification of disseminated CRC cells? Seven biomarker candidates, CEA, CEACAMI- S/ L, CEACAM6, CEACAM7- 1/ 2, MUC2, MMP7 and CK20, were compared in a test- set of lymph nodes from 51 CRC patients ( Dukes' A - D) and 10 controls. Normal colon epithelial cells, primary tumours, and different immune cells were also analysed. The biomarkers were ranked according to: ( 1) detection of haematoxylin/ eosin positive nodes, ( 2) detection of Dukes' A and B patients, who developed metastases during a 54 months follow- up period and ( 3) identification of patients with Dukes' C and D tumours using the highest value of control nodes as cutoff. The following properties appear to be of importance; ( a) no expression in immune cells, ( b) relatively high and constant expression in tumour tissue irrespective of Dukes' stage and ( c) no or weak downregulation in tumours compared to normal tissue. CEA fulfilled these criteria best, followed by CK20 and MUC2.
Sidor (från-till)218-225
TidskriftBritish Journal of Cancer
StatusPublished - 2006

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Cancer och onkologi


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