Breast density assessment using breast tomosynthesis images

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


In this work we evaluate an approach for breast density assessment of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) data using the central projection image. A total of 348 random cases (both FFDM CC and MLO views and DBT MLO views) were collected using a Siemens Mammomat Inspiration tomosynthesis unit at Unilabs, Malmö. The cases underwent both BI-RADS 5th Edition labeling by radiologists and automated volumetric breast density analysis (VBDA) by an algorithm. Preliminary results showed an observed agreement of 70% (weighted Kappa, κ = 0.73) between radiologists and VBDA using FFDM images and 63% (κ = 0.62) for radiologists and VBDA using DBT images. Comparison between densities for FFDM and DBT resulted in high correlation (r = 0.94) and an observed agreement of 72% (κ = 0.76). The automated analysis is a promising approach using low dose central projection DBT images in order to get radiologist- like density ratings similar to results obtained from FFDM.

Titel på värdpublikationBreast Imaging
Undertitel på värdpublikation13th International Workshop, IWDM 2016, Malmö, Sweden, June 19-22, 2016, Proceedings
RedaktörerAnders Tingberg, Kristina Lång, Pontus Timberg
Antal sidor6
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-3-319-41546-8
ISBN (tryckt)9783319415451
StatusPublished - 2016
Evenemang13th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, IWDM 2016 - Malmo, Sverige
Varaktighet: 2016 juni 192016 juni 22


NamnLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
ISSN (tryckt)03029743
ISSN (elektroniskt)16113349


Konferens13th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, IWDM 2016

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Radiologi och bildbehandling


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