Can iterative reconstruction algorithms replace tube loading compensation in low kVp hepatic CT? Subjective versus objective image quality

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Background: Hepatic computed tomography (CT) with decreased peak kilovoltage (kVp) may be used to reduce contrast medium doses in patients at risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI); however, it increases image noise. To preserve image quality, noise has been controlled by X-ray tube loading (mAs) compensation (TLC), i.e. increased mAs. Another option to control image noise would be to use iterative reconstructions (IR) algorithms without TLC (No-TLC). It is unclear whether this may preserve image quality or only reduce image noise.

Purpose: To evaluate image quality of 80 kVp hepatic CT with TLC and filtered back projection (FBP) compared with 80 kVp with No-TLC and IR algorithms (SAFIRE 3 and 5) in patients with eGFR <45 mL/min.

Material and Methods: Forty patients (BMI 18-32 kg/m2) were examined with both protocols following injection of 300 mg I/kg. Hepatic attenuation, image noise, enhancement, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and subjective image quality were evaluated for each patient.

Results: Comparing TLC/FBP with No-TLC/IR-S5, there were no significant differences regarding hepatic attenuation, image noise, enhancement, SNR and CNR: 114 vs. 115 HU, 14 vs. 14 HU, 55 vs. 57 HU, 8.0 vs. 8.4, and 3.8 vs. 4.0 in median, respectively. No-TLC/IR-S3 resulted in higher image noise and lower SNR and CNR than TLC/FBP. Subjective image quality scoring with visual grading showed statistically significantly inferior scores for IR-S5 images.

Conclusion: CT of 80 kVp to reduce contrast medium dose in patients at risk of CI-AKI combined with IR algorithms with unchanged tube loading to control image noise does not provide sufficient diagnostic quality.

Antal sidor9
TidskriftActa Radiologica Open
StatusPublished - 2020 mars

Bibliografisk information

© The Foundation Acta Radiologica 2020.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Radiologi och bildbehandling


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