Commentary on: Legislation on Censorship and Printing during and after the Struensee intermezzo (1770-1773)

Jesper Jakobsen, Håkon Evju

Forskningsoutput: Övriga bidragWebbpublicering/bloggpostForskningPeer review


Danish and Norwegian legislation concerning censorship and print changed dramatically in the years between 1770 and 1773, following three distinct royal orders issued during and shortly after the German physician Johann Friedrich Struensee’s time in power at the Danish court. The Order of 14 September 1770 abolished, with one swift stroke, the old system of pre-publication censorship by expert readers, and set in motion the world’s most radical experiment in press freedom. Soon, however, Struensee discovered that this experiment was not to his advantage and on 7 October 1771 another royal order restricted press freedom, emphasizing that authors needed to stay within the bounds of law and clamping down on the use of anonymity. Still, conditions continued to be favorable for both authors and printers until Struensee’s downfall in January 1772 and the ensuing reaction. In a third royal order, on 20 October 1773, a new regime of post-publication censorship was put in place, which, combined with a deterring show trial, put an end to the press freedom experiment in Denmark-Norway.
FörlagFaculty of Law, University of Cambridge
StatusPublished - 2023 okt. 1

Bibliografisk information

Bently & Kretschmer (eds), Primary Sources on Copyright (1450-1900) (

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Historia


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