
Alejandro Cesarco (konstnär)

Forskningsoutput: Icke-textbaserad outputKonstnärligt arbete


Soloexhibition in Berlin.

A conditional sentence is formed by a main clause (the consequence), a conjunction (if), and a conditional clause (the condition). There are four standard types of conditionals. Cesarco’s exhibition proceeds from the given to the not given, comparing what is with what could be or might have been. In some ways, this is equivalent to what happens in the studio, or what happens to an artist, such as Cesarco, once they reach their mid-career point.

The exhibition presents and is presented as a place of latent possibility. It includes two of the artist’s latest films, photographic prints of drawings, and other photographic works that are paraphrases of Cesarco’s own work (not necessarily a correction but a form of self-citation). The selection seems to hint at the way that some things can in retrospect look like both the beginning and the end of something.

“Conditionals” brings together recurring themes in Cesarco’s work such as repetition, narrative, affective genealogies, and the practices of reading and translation.
FörlagTanya Leighton
StatusPublished - 2023 nov. 4

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Bildkonst

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