Cultivation technology development of Rhodothermus marinus DSM 16675

Emanuel Y C Ron, Roya R R Sardari, Richard Anthony, Ed W J van Niel, Gudmundur O Hreggvidsson, Eva Nordberg-Karlsson

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


    This work presents an evaluation of batch, fed-batch, and sequential batch cultivation techniques for production of R. marinus DSM 16675 and its exopolysaccharides (EPSs) and carotenoids in a bioreactor, using lysogeny broth (LB) and marine broth (MB), respectively, in both cases supplemented with 10 g/L maltose. Batch cultivation using LB supplemented with maltose (LBmalt) resulted in higher cell density (OD620 = 6.6) than use of MBmalt (OD620 = 1.7). Sequential batch cultivation increased the cell density threefold (OD620 = 20) in LBmalt and eightfold (OD620 = 14) in MBmalt. In both single and sequential batches, the production of carotenoids and EPSs using LBmalt was detected in the exponential phase and stationary phase, respectively, while in MBmalt formation of both products was detectable in both the exponential and stationary phases of the culture. Heteropolymeric EPSs were produced with an overall volumetric productivity (QE) of 0.67 (mg/L h) in MBmalt and the polymer contained xylose. In LB, QE was lower (0.1 mg/L h) and xylose could not be detected in the composition of the produced EPSs. In conclusion, this study showed the importance of a process design and medium source for production of R. marinus DSM 16675 and its metabolites.

    Sidor (från-till)735-745
    Antal sidor11
    TidskriftExtremophiles : life under extreme conditions
    Tidigt onlinedatum2019 sep. 14
    StatusPublished - 2019 nov. 1

    Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

    • Industriell bioteknik


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