Description of Electroelasticity and its Related Forward and Inverse Motion Problems

Matti Ristinmaa, Anna Ask, Sara Thylander, Andreas Menzel, Ralf Denzer

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review


Electroactive polymers (EAP) deform under electric fields and an advantage of
EAP is that they may undergo deformations much larger than those capable by electroactive
ceramics, however at comparatively much lower forces. As common for polymers, EAP exhibit
time-dependent material behavior, i.e. an electro-viscoelastic effect. Modeling of this behavior
is discussed. The forward motion problem follows from the solution of balance of linear momen-
tum and balance equations for the electromagnetic fields, providing the shape and state of the
deformed configuration. In the inverse motion problem the deformed state of an elastic body
for a given set of loads and boundary conditions is specified and the undeformed configuration
is found by solving the resulting boundary value problem, e.g. with the finite element method
Titel på värdpublikation[Host publication title missing]
RedaktörerHannu Koivurova, Mikko Malaska
FörlagDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Oulu, Finland
StatusPublished - 2012
EvenemangProceedings of the 11 th Finnish Mechanics Days - University of Oulu
Varaktighet: 2012 nov. 29 → …


KonferensProceedings of the 11 th Finnish Mechanics Days
Period2012/11/29 → …

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Maskinteknik


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