Dietary Fiber and the Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche in a Model of Pelvic Radiotherapy

Sravani Devarakonda, Dilip Kumar Malipatlolla, Piyush Patel, Rita Grandér, H. Georg Kuhn, Gunnar Steineck, Fei Sjöberg, Ana Rascón, Margareta Nyman, Yohanna Eriksson, Jolie Danial, Ella Ittner, Rukaya Naama Walid, Olena Prykhodko, Spandana Masuram, Marie Kalm, Cecilia Bull

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


We sought to determine whether radiation to the colorectum had an impact on parameters of hippocampal neurogenesis and, if so, whether it could be modulated by a fiber-rich diet. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed a diet containing bioprocessed oat bran or a fiber-free diet, starting two weeks before colorectal irradiation with 4 fractions of 8 Gray or sham-irradiation. Diets were then continued for 1, 6 or 18 weeks, whereafter parameters of hippocampal neurogenesis were analyzed and correlated to serum cytokine levels. No statistically significant changes in neuronal markers or cell proliferation were found at one week post-irradiation. Six weeks post-irradiation there was a decreased cell proliferation in the subgranular zone that appeared slightly more pronounced in irradiated animals on a fiber-free diet and increased numbers of immature neurons per mm2 dentate gyrus in the irradiated mice, with a statistically significant increase in mice on a fiber-rich diet. Microglial abundancy was similar between all groups. 18 weeks post-irradiation, a fiber-free diet had reduced the number of immature neurons, whereas irradiation resulted in an increase. Despite this, the population of mature neurons was stable. Analysis of serum cytokines revealed a negative correlation between MIP1-α and the number of immature neurons one week after irradiation, regardless of diet. Our findings show that pelvic radiotherapy has the potential to cause a long-lasting impact on hippocampal neurogenesis, and dietary interventions may modulate this impact. More in-depth studies on the relationship between irradiation-induced intestinal injury and brain health are warranted.

Sidor (från-till)137-147
Antal sidor11
StatusPublished - 2021 nov.

Bibliografisk information

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors

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