Early Verbs in Child Swedish : A Diary Study on Two Boys. Part I, Verbs Spurts and the Grammar Burst

Forskningsoutput: Bok/rapportBokForskning


This is a study of how two Swedish boys acquired verbs and verb related phenomena during their first 2;6 years of age. The study focus on the emergence of verb lexemes, personal pronouns, functional verbs, clauses of different types and clause subjects. The close relationship between pronouns and functional verbs in the beginning av the clause is studied in detail, and a certain type of more or less fixed "main clause starters" are suggested as an important part of the acquisition process.
FörlagLund University
Antal sidor198
StatusPublished - 2010


NamnNordlund, Småskrifter från Nordiska språk vid Lunds universitet
ISSN (tryckt)0281-5427

Bibliografisk information

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Swedish (015011001)

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Språk och litteratur


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