EGIS+ European level developments of flexible learning models within geographical information systems (GIS) for vocational training

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Hilding Sponberg

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/Conference proceedingKonferenspaper i proceedingPeer review

76 Nedladdningar (Pure)


This paper deals with experiences from a successful previous pilot project under the Leonardo da Vinci programme implemented during the time period 2002-2006. That project E-GIS, is the basis for eGIS+ in the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). Ten partners from six European countries; Bulgaria, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Portugal participated in E-GIS. During the project period a study program, 100 % Internet based, corresponding to a one year full time study was implemented – resulting in eight course modules that were developed and tested out during the project. GIS – Geographical Information Systems – is a computer-based tool for handling and analysing digital map data to which are connected attribute data (spatially dependent phenomena), for statistical treatment – such as resource- and environmental planning, transport logistics, registration of archaeological findings etc. The main objectives of the E-GIS project was to establish a co-operation between European Universities and GIS user organisations and to develop modularised courses intended for Internet based learning. A heavy evaluation task was performed, based on digital questionnaires and interviews.
eGIS+ is a pilot project, within the Leonardo Program “Transfer of Innovation”. The objectives of the project are to develop results from the previous E-GIS project. The aim is targeting a broader range of GIS user groups, test out new Learning Management System (LMS) and different media development software, translate course material into partner languages, create a larger variety of duration of course modules (modules from just few minutes duration, without credits, up to 10 ECTS) and create flexibility to a larger extent. During the new eGIS+ eight countries are involved with totally 11 partners. The duration of the project is two years (2007-2009).
Titel på värdpublikation[Host publication title missing]
Antal sidor6
StatusPublished - 2008
EvenemangEDEN ANNUAL Conference How Do We Learn? Where do We Learn - Lisbon, Portugal
Varaktighet: 2008 juni 112008 juni 14


KonferensEDEN ANNUAL Conference How Do We Learn? Where do We Learn

Bibliografisk information

Department affilation moved from v1000887 (CED - Centre for Educational Development) to v1000942 (Division for Higher Education Development) on 2016-03-31 08:48:52.

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