En internationell fredspolitiker vid 1900-talets början - Anna Bugge Wicksell.

Marika Hallström

Forskningsoutput: Bidrag till övrig tidskrift/dags- eller nyhetstidningArtikel i facktidskrift eller populärpressPopulärvetenskap


Letters and notes that expose collaboration in and between different creative networks and ethical-political theorists, governmental counsellors and personalities from 1886 to 1928 are now more accessible in the Anna Bugge Wicksell collection at the University Library of Lund. Anna Bugge Wicksell had central functions in The Neutral Conference for Continuous Mediation, after which she was co-opted as an expert onto the Swedish committee for a league of nations. She was given a central position in The League of Nations, where she was able to enhance influence in society for ethnic groups of people that didn’t have any right to vote.
SpecialistpublikationIkoner: vision och tradition
StatusPublished - 2006

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

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