Evaluation of genetic demultiplexing of single-cell sequencing data from model species

Joseph F Cardiello, Alberto Joven Araus, Sarantis Giatrellis, Clement Helsens, András Simon, Nicholas D Leigh

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikel i vetenskaplig tidskriftPeer review


Single-cell sequencing (sc-seq) provides a species agnostic tool to study cellular processes. However, these technologies are expensive and require sufficient cell quantities and biological replicates to avoid artifactual results. An option to address these problems is pooling cells from multiple individuals into one sc-seq library. In humans, genotype-based computational separation (i.e., demultiplexing) of pooled sc-seq samples is common. This approach would be instrumental for studying non-isogenic model organisms. We set out to determine whether genotype-based demultiplexing could be more broadly applied among species ranging from zebrafish to non-human primates. Using such non-isogenic species, we benchmark genotype-based demultiplexing of pooled sc-seq datasets against various ground truths. We demonstrate that genotype-based demultiplexing of pooled sc-seq samples can be used with confidence in several non-isogenic model organisms and uncover limitations of this method. Importantly, the only genomic resource required for this approach is sc-seq data and a de novo transcriptome. The incorporation of pooling into sc-seq study designs will decrease cost while simultaneously increasing the reproducibility and experimental options in non-isogenic model organisms.

TidskriftLife Science Alliance
StatusPublished - 2023 aug.

Bibliografisk information

© 2023 Cardiello et al.

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Medicinsk genetik


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